A super hero? What’s that like?

People it’s official we found a human being with super human powers. Now let’s look at it this way…

well let’s see what super powers would create the perfect super hero

super power number 1: you need wisdom? looking for someone who’s wise to look into your soul and walk with you the needed journey!

super power 2: you need a beautiful scene to look to all the time

super power 3: you need fun, laughs and habal kteer

super power 4: you need a shoulder you know can hold ur head even if you feel like it’s a million tons heavy

super power 5: you need a heart that is unparalleled in faith and discipline

super power 6: you need a push in your darkest moments

well let me tell you a secret! I found it ladies and gentlemen.

The name is Dot, the Dottest Dot.

The search is over! Over and Out 😇


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